Copper Price 2025


Copper Price LME

The price of copper in most parts of the world depends on the price of copper on the LME (London Metal Exchange)
The copper price is expressed as LME + premium.

The physical market price is based on the LME Cash price. Those who trade on the stock exchange trade by looking at the LME 3 Months price. While the LME 3 Months price can be followed for free on many sites, you need to become a member of the LME site and pay a monthly fee to follow the LME cash price live. LME cash official closing prices are published for free on the LME site the next day.
Below are the LME Cash Official Fixing Ask prices, i.e. the LME official closing sale prices of metals.

Copper Price Graphic is below the table

2025 LME Copper Price Chart and Graph

Select the start and end date from the filter to see the average, maximum and minimum values for the month, week or any date range.
Click the Clear Filter button to reset the filter.

wdt_ID Date Copper / USD
1 02/01/2025 8.685,50
2 03/01/2025 8.701,00
3 06/01/2025 8.893,50
4 07/01/2025 8.886,00
5 08/01/2025 8.847,00
6 09/01/2025 8.960,50
7 10/01/2025 8.995,50
8 13/01/2025 8.980,00
9 14/01/2025 9.016,00
10 15/01/2025 9.020,00
11 16/01/2025 9.135,00
12 17/01/2025 9.132,00
13 20/01/2025 9.043,50
14 21/01/2025 9.067,00
15 22/01/2025 9.123,00
16 23/01/2025 9.056,00
17 24/01/2025 9.218,00
18 27/01/2025 9.051,00
19 28/01/2025 8.890,50
20 29/01/2025 8.881,00
21 30/01/2025 8.975,00
22 31/01/2025 8.949,50
23 03/02/2025 8.866,50
24 04/02/2025 8.993,00
25 05/02/2025 9.025,00
26 06/02/2025 9.165,00
27 07/02/2025 9.288,00
28 10/02/2025 9.287,50
29 11/02/2025 9.245,00
30 12/02/2025 9.277,50
31 13/02/2025 9.362,00
32 14/02/2025 9.812,00
33 17/02/2025 9.291,00
34 18/02/2025 9.295,00
35 19/02/2025 9.433,00
36 20/02/2025 9.514,50
37 21/02/2025 9.494,00
38 24/02/2025 9.490,00
39 25/02/2025 9.463,00
40 26/02/2025 9.504,00
41 27/02/2025 9.415,50
42 28/02/2025 9.363,50
43 03/03/2025 9.360,50
44 04/03/2025 9.395,00
45 05/03/2025 9.541,00
46 06/03/2025 9.654,00
47 07/03/2025 9.664,00
48 10/03/2025 9.547,00
49 11/03/2025 9.628,00
50 12/03/2025
51 13/03/2025
52 14/03/2025
53 17/03/2025
54 18/03/2025
55 19/03/2025
56 20/03/2025
57 21/03/2025
58 24/03/2025
59 25/03/2025
60 26/03/2025
61 27/03/2025
62 28/03/2025
63 31/03/2025
64 01/04/2025
65 02/04/2025
66 03/04/2025
67 04/04/2025
68 07/04/2025
69 08/04/2025
70 09/04/2025
71 10/04/2025
72 11/04/2025
73 14/04/2025
74 15/04/2025
75 16/04/2025
76 17/04/2025
77 22/04/2025
78 23/04/2025
79 24/04/2025
80 25/04/2025
81 28/04/2025
82 29/04/2025
83 30/04/2025
84 01/05/2025
85 02/05/2025
86 06/05/2025
87 07/05/2025
88 08/05/2025
89 09/05/2025
90 12/05/2025
91 13/05/2025
92 14/05/2025
93 15/05/2025
94 16/05/2025
95 19/05/2025
96 20/05/2025
97 21/05/2025
98 22/05/2025
99 23/05/2025
100 27/05/2025
101 28/05/2025
102 29/05/2025
103 30/05/2025
104 02/06/2025
105 03/06/2025
106 04/06/2025
107 05/06/2025
108 06/06/2025
109 09/06/2025
110 10/06/2025
111 11/06/2025
112 12/06/2025
113 13/06/2025
114 16/06/2025
115 17/06/2025
116 18/06/2025
117 19/06/2025
118 20/06/2025
119 23/06/2025
120 24/06/2025
121 25/06/2025
122 26/06/2025
123 27/06/2025
124 30/06/2025
125 01/07/2025
126 02/07/2025
127 03/07/2025
128 04/07/2025
129 07/07/2025
130 08/07/2025
131 09/07/2025
132 10/07/2025
133 11/07/2025
134 14/07/2025
135 15/07/2025
136 16/07/2025
137 17/07/2025
138 18/07/2025
139 21/07/2025
140 22/07/2025
141 23/07/2025
142 24/07/2025
143 25/07/2025
144 28/07/2025
145 29/07/2025
146 30/07/2025
147 31/07/2025
148 01/08/2025
149 04/08/2025
150 05/08/2025
151 06/08/2025
152 07/08/2025
153 08/08/2025
154 11/08/2025
155 12/08/2025
156 13/08/2025
157 14/08/2025
158 15/08/2025
159 18/08/2025
160 19/08/2025
161 20/08/2025
162 21/08/2025
163 22/08/2025
164 26/08/2025
165 27/08/2025
166 28/08/2025
167 29/08/2025
168 01/09/2025
259 02/09/2025
260 03/09/2025
261 04/09/2025
262 05/09/2025
263 08/09/2025
264 09/09/2025
265 10/09/2025
266 11/09/2025
267 12/09/2025
268 15/09/2025
269 16/09/2025
270 17/09/2025
271 18/09/2025
272 19/09/2025
273 22/09/2025
274 23/09/2025
275 24/09/2025
276 25/09/2025
277 26/09/2025
278 29/09/2025
279 30/09/2025
280 01/10/2025
281 02/10/2025
282 03/10/2025
283 06/10/2025
284 07/10/2025
285 08/10/2025
286 09/10/2025
287 10/10/2025
288 13/10/2025
289 14/10/2025
290 15/10/2025
291 16/10/2025
292 17/10/2025
293 20/10/2025
294 21/10/2025
295 22/10/2025
296 23/10/2025
297 24/10/2025
298 27/10/2025
299 28/10/2025
300 29/10/2025
301 30/10/2025
302 31/10/2025
303 03/11/2025
304 04/11/2025
305 05/11/2025
306 06/11/2025
307 07/11/2025
308 10/11/2025
309 11/11/2025
310 12/11/2025
311 13/11/2025
312 14/11/2025
313 17/11/2025
314 18/11/2025
315 19/11/2025
316 20/11/2025
317 21/11/2025
318 24/11/2025
319 25/11/2025
320 26/11/2025
321 27/11/2025
322 28/11/2025
323 01/12/2025
324 02/12/2025
325 03/12/2025
326 04/12/2025
327 05/12/2025
328 08/12/2025
329 09/12/2025
330 10/12/2025
331 11/12/2025
332 12/12/2025
333 15/12/2025
334 16/12/2025
335 17/12/2025
336 18/12/2025
337 19/12/2025
338 22/12/2025
339 23/12/2025
340 24/12/2025
341 29/12/2025
342 30/12/2025
343 31/12/2025
Avg = 9.201,65
Min = 8.685,50
Max = 9.812,00

2025 LME Copper Price Graph

LME Copper Official Prices Graph 2000 – Present